Google Adwords

We have Google Partner status since 2015. Our Company badge reaffirm that Companies who choose us are satisfied with our services and marketing solutions.

Google Adwords is a product of Google Campaign which is the collection of websites - including specific Google websites like Google Search, Gmail and YouTube - that show AdWords ads. This network also includes mobile sites and apps.

  Google Adwords Benefits:

  • Reach people at the precise moment they’re searching for what campaign offer;
  • The Google Display  Network (GDN) alone reaches 1M of Internet Network;
  • It can be choosen where ad appears - on which specific websites and in which geographical areas;
  • Controlling budget with cost-per-click (CPC) bidding, it can be charged only when someone clicks ad, not when it appears;
  • The choice of ways to achieve customers (space, time, interest, topic, language, age group, gender)


1. Search Engine

2. Display Network

3. Online TV Commercials

When we advertise on the Search Network, you ad can be seen next to search results when someone searches with terms related to one of the keywords. Keywords are words or phrases that you can select to show your ad to show in search results.
Google search sites:
Ads can be appeared beside, above, or below search results on Google Search, Google Play or Google Shopping.
What we do:
  • Analysis of search databases;
  • Selection of words relevant to product;
  • Collection of relevant words and phrases;
  • Choosing keywords for your product and finally we launch campaign.
Using the biggest internet platform:
Google Display Network in Azerbaijan engages with more than 20.000 websites, 1M mobile applications;
Selecting where ads can be appeared:
Within the Display Network, it can be chosen more specifically where ads to appear- you can select types of pages or specific websites for ads, as well as audiences to show ads to.
Engage users with appealing ad formats:
Text, image, video, or rich media formats (engagement ads) can appear on the Display Network.
A feature that lets you reach people who have previously visited your website. Your ads can show to these customers when they visit other websites in the Google Display Network. Remarketing is a feature of interest-based advertising that helps you match interested people with the right message. 

Video in-stream, in- display and bumper ads run on YouTube and across the Google Partner Websites through the Google Display Network. The Display Network reaches over 80% of Internet users worldwide through 2 million sites. It can be targeted any ad format - image, video, and text - to different placements on the YouTube site, as well as specific content categories. According to Google reports, Azerbaijani local Internet users spend an average 30 minutes on watching video.
